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スリーエイト 世田谷 地図 東京都世田谷区桜3-16-6
スリーエイトビル 1F

スリーエイト 代官山
スリーエイト代官山 地図 東京都渋谷区 猿楽町22-6
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HOME > Brand List 取り扱いブランド > The Stevenson Overall (スティーブンソンオーバーオール)

Brand List 取り扱いブランド

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The Stevenson Overall (スティーブンソンオーバーオール)

The Stevenson Overall Co_top.gif
The Stevenson Overall Co.

●[the Stevenson Overall Co.]公式サイトより

スティーブンソンオーバーオール.gifThe basic concept of the Stevenson Overall Co. is to make very high quality clothing to be optionally worn at work (by types that are lucky enough to be able to wear what they want to work) or casually after work and on the weekends.

Our idea is that creative people (our modern day workman) that can wear anything, might consider our collection for a part of their wardrobe.

Imagine for example that SOC might be worn by Artists, Photographers, Architects, Graphic Designers, Illustrators, Clothing designers, Software developers, Interior designers (creative/curious and unconventional types).

To make our collections, we start from examining early functional clothing (workwear, military, outdoor) from the 1800's to the 1960's and then take the best ideas in them and mix them with our own to make garments that can be worn today with a nod to yesterday. We get to make them from the best materials available in collaboration with the best people in the business.

If one wears a pair of SOC jeans for several months in a row, like we do, then the cost averages out.

But not everyone approaches their wardrobe that way and that's fine -- we are not for everybody.

0308ショッピングサイト  Vasco(ヴァスコ)yahooページ    


< SILVER SMITH LARRY(ラリースミス)  |  一覧へ戻る  |  Franklin & Marshall(フランクリン アンド マーシャル) >

